Dr. Abdur Rehman Shahid


Dr. Abdur Rehman Shahid is the Founder and President of APPS Europe.

He is an Emergency Medicine Specialist based in Germany. His specialist training was at Emergency Hospitals and Trauma center BG Klink Ludwigshafen, which is one of the largest and state-of-the art, nationwide emergency service group BG Kliniken https://www.bg-kliniken.de in Germany.

He is graduated as MBBS from Beijing, China and started his Professional Career in the field of Emergency Medicine & Trauma Surgery in Germany leading to pass all important Emergency courses for being certified Emergency Doctor in USA, England and Europe.

He is an associate member of Royal College of Emergency Medicine and a permanent member of the American College of Emergency Physicians and the European Society for Emergency Medicine. His other memberships include that of German Society for Interdisciplinary Emergency & Acute Medicine, European Society of Anesthesiology, Association of German Anesthesiologists (BDA), German Society for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI).

Dr. Abdur Rehman Shahid has worked extensively as a frontline ICU Doctor in Germany throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. He has published regular updates and articles and has appeared in various TV programs to create awareness on counter-COVID strategies. These activities are appreciated by Pakistani, German, and wider international communities.

Dr. Abdur Rehman Shahid worked actively in humanitarian relief efforts in Pakistan and distributed food packages and COVID preventive kits to underprivileged communities. He managed to raise charity funds in thousands of Euros, this enabled him to establish a working collaboration with Rescue 1122 services in Pakistan. Together they worked at district administrative level and supplied hundreds of PPE kits to frontline medical staff in many regions of Pakistan.

In recognition of these services, Dr-Abdur Rehman Shahid was awarded Foreign Minsister Honour award by Ministry of foreign affairs, Government of Pakistan. http://mofa.gov.pk/dr-abdur-rehman- shahid/

He is an executive member of Pakistan Society of Emergency Medicine and also serving as their ambassador in Germany.

Being the founder of International Emergency Medicine Skills Initiative, he has devoted his efforts to teach modern emergency medical skills to medical professionals worldwide. He has guided thousands of newly qualified international doctors on the European regulatory processes, essential skill courses, communication skills & best practices workshops. This enables them to be eligible to work as health practitioners in Germany. https://iemsi.org

Dr. Abdur Rehman Shahid is also a remarkable personality with special skills in the field of Marketing and Social Networking. He has been running various multinational business projects with history of proven results for his digital and social media marketing and networking skills and is also director owner of the 414 group https://414group.com producing Soap & cleaning detergents. https://414products.com

Dr. Abdur Rehman Shahid continues to volunteer on many projects including ‘Introducing latest innovations and Emergency skill training to doctors, nurses and paramedical staff of developing countries including Pakistan. His aim is to equip them with essential tools and techniques for best practices and quality operationalization in Emergency and Trauma Medicine.

With this determination and drive for healthcare, he along with Dr. Abdul Hafeez put the foundations for APPS Europe – an association which has achieved remarkable success in a short time span. Together they are developing APPS Middle East, APPS China, APPS Asia, APPS Africa with an aim to establish APPS Global with a mission to improve healthcare across the world. http://www.appsglobal.org

Dr. Abdul Hafeez


Dr. Hafeez is currently working as a GP Partner at Al-Fal Medical Group in Greater Manchester. He is also a Clinical Tutor at The University of Manchester Medical School.

He has been a panel member of the General Medical Council (GMC)’s BME Doctors Forum for the last 10 years where he has the opportunity to raise any concerns & discuss issues directly with GMC senior management and influence their policies for the future regulation of the medical profession.

He proactively engages with patients in the community to promote public health awareness. He has conducted several health talks & seminars in the community on various topics. He has also been invited on many occasions to different international TV and radio channels including BBC News, BBC Five Live and BBC Urdu Service to discuss health related issues.

Dr Hafeez is also a member of Public Health England’s Migrant Health Task Group which makes strategies to improve public health awareness about viral hepatitis.

He is the Founder and CEO of the Association of Pakistani Physicians & Surgeons of the United Kingdom – APPS UK (www.appsuk.org). This is the largest membership organisation of Pakistani doctors in the UK that was established in 2004 and it provides support and guidance to new and junior doctors in the UK. The organisation is now expanding globally in the form of APPS Europe, APPS Middle East, APPS China etc.

Dr. Hafeez set up Mobile Health Unit project about 5 years ago to provide primary healthcare facilities to patients in the remote rural areas of Pakistan. He along with his team, manages these state of the art facilities from the UK which is looking after a population of over 100,000. For more info: http://appsuk.org/2017/01/25/apps-uk-mobile-health-units

He is a man with lot of innovative ideas. He has run campaigns in the past to prevent wastage of medicines in the community. His strategies saved the NHS a staggering £75,000 in one year.

Dr. Hafeez came up with the idea of a Self-harm Register in the community to prevent self inflicted injuries and suicide in mental health patients by proactive monitoring. This was successfully implemented and has helped many patients.

He organised World Hepatitis Awareness day for the whole community enabling them to participate in an interactive educational event and understand how to protect themselves from this killer disease.

In 2017 he was ranked number 6 in the UK by the PULSE Newspaper in their Power 50 ranking amongst local heroes.

Dr. Hafeez also featured in Muslim Power 100 List in 2018 as one of the most influential Muslims in the UK.

He was the winner of NHS England’s Excellence in Healthcare Award 2019 selected from over 600 entries in the North West.

During the current COVID-19 pandemic he launched a Corona Urdu Helpline in the UK, set up a virtual work experience programme for A-Level students, and featured in many national COVID-19 Vaccine Campaigns.

Dr. Hafeez is a true role model in his profession and has greatly influenced the healthcare at a local as well as international level.

Scientist Tahir Mahmood


As an expert researcher and methodologist in the field of radicalization and terrorism, Tahir Mahmood has been attached to national projects in Norway and European advisory scientist at risk track project sponsored by European justice commission. http://risk-track.eu/en/team1/advisory-board.html#Tahir

He is honored as gold medal with “National Peace Award 2020” by Pakistan National Peace and Justice Council, Government of Pakistan for his efforts toward peace, health safety, prevention and cure, poverty elimination for uplifting Pakistan.

His innovative milling method and project with innovation Norway support exclusively produced first time high protein corn flour with stone milling from 13.5g to onward.

Tahir is founder of dynamic process modeling DPM science for knowledge based methodologies, an innovative approach to solve complex problems, and operationalization.

Working as a consultant, developer and project director, with studies in CAD/CAM, Process Engineering and Commerce, conducted on the University College Salford UK and trade finance at diverse institutions he is founder of short term off balance sheet trade finances.

He has been lecturing as key lecturer, conducting and organizing many workshops, seminars and conferences in various European counter radicalization organizations, universities, and institutions, European Press Club, Brussel and European Parliament.

Tahir has been academic jury member and research reviewer for doctorate degree award at King Hasan University, Morocco and has developed diverse courses on counter-radicalization in the NGO-Resource center for Diversity, Integration and Peace of Drammen, Norway (Ressurssenter for Mangfold Integrering og Fred) for first line practitioners.

On the basis of DPM, Tahir is also the founder of the Dynamic Process Model of radicalization (academic reference) for operationalization, Algebraic equation of radicalization, mapping methods for radicalization, de-radicalization dialogue model, knowledge based indicators and barometers about risk of radicalization and is the author of many publications about risk indicators, counter-radicalization and religion.

Presently, Tahir has designed DSS “Decision making support system” to identify radicalization with prevention solutions and developing the software, DSS for Social Lockdown during epidemics, Methods for conflict resolution, social integration and, rehabilitation as knowledge based approach.

He is also designer and founder of two organization in Norway for active, objective full dialogue among different cultures and religions for a peaceful society.

DOTL – www.dotl.no Gjestebud – www.gjestebud.net Tahir is also board member for International Health&Social Group Norway – www.ihsg.no and has presented counter corona anti-virus formulation as alternative medicine for research and development.

Mr. M. Shakeel Puri


Clinical Director, Principal and Consultant Ophthalmic Optometrist (Graduated from UK)
Mr. Shakeel Puri has been outstanding amongst the British Pakistani Medical Professionals, making him an important strategic asset, not only in terms of his leadership role in promoting Pakistan’s development, and buttressing our financial security through investments and remittances, but also as a conduit to foster bridges of understanding and cooperation between Pakistan and United Kingdom. Making him one of the enterprising individuals of Pakistani origin, who have carved a niche in their adopted homes and profession by extreme hard work and perseverance.
Mr. Shakeel Puri has performed extra-ordinary feats of courage, integrity, and devotion that find a very few parallels. In a sense, this British Pakistani individual, his constant struggle, life story, and accomplishments depict the true face of a dedicated British Pakistani Health professional.

Recognitions and ongoing Voluntary Contributions:

  • POWER 100 LIST Most influential Individuals in the UK year 2018.
  • 101 inspiring Muslim (National Health Service) NHS year 2020.
  • Past President and head of the governing board of the largest and the longest established organisation of Pakistani Medical professionals in the United Kingdom Association of Pakistani Physicians and Surgeons of United Kingdom (APPS UK)
  • Leadership mentor at HRH Prince of Wales, Prince’s trust.
  • Recognition in Foreign Minister’s Honours list 2020, for outstanding services.
  • Founding Board member of Association of Pakistani Physicians and Surgeons of Europe

Mr. Puri, has been outstanding to provide above and beyond his daily responsibilities helping humanity at large in the Difficult time of global pandemic (Covid-19).

  • Providing support to public and medical professionals all around United Kingdom.
  • Advising Religious organizations to create flexible and special arrangement with regards to religious gatherings.
  • Arranged motivational sessions for medical staff and their families. Supporting Families of medical staff and families of Patients in Hospitals and on ventilators, in ICU both in United Kingdom and internationally.
  • Supported Funeral committees to create special provisions to protect public during pandemic. e.g., Body transportation, washing, religious congregations, etc.
  • Personally, encouraged and made recommendations to Medical organizations to bring all of them on one Platform, requesting and assisting UK Government to conduct an independent scientific study with regards to BAME group sufferings during Pandemic.
  • Instrumental in helping and supporting Stranded Medical professionals of Pakistani Origin, who came for Professional exams in UK and were stuck here without any finances / accommodation and necessities.
  • He has been helping and sorting out issues of young Pakistani doctors who came to UK for their PLAB exams and were stuck and were unable to go back due to flights cancelled. Mr Puri and his team made sure that these individuals were well look after and supported them in their stay and even managed to send them back after liaising with the airlines.
  • Encouraged and made recommendations to Medical regulators with regards to special provisions for professional exams, also to make up the gaps in vacancies of Doctors in NHS.
  • Working with Mental health teams to plan and suggest solutions due to the expected increased pressure on the mental health serveries post Covid-19 times.
  • Supporting and assisting the Elderly and vulnerable in the communities

Suggesting and in discussions with regards to the UK Visa policy improvement for the Pakistani Medical professionals and their families, in communication with British Prime minister, Health Secretary, Home Secretary and professional regulatory organisation.

All this resulted in the medical staff motivated to deliver their services to the maximum potential. Minimizing the pandemic damage. He has been at the forefront of leading Yaran e Watan initiative, Telehealth initiative, and improving medical education in Pakistan.

Mr Puri’s good works carries on, He represents Pakistani Medical Professionals in the most positive way creating heart winning impressions all around the world. These excellent services are still being delivered outside the working hours, evenings, weekends sacrificing family time.

Dr. Kashif Chauhan


Dr. Kashif Chauhan is a Paediatric Surgeon currently working in the United Kingdom with an interest in neonatal and lower gastrointestinal surgery. He graduated from Lahore, Pakistan and completed his basic surgical training in Ireland and further obtained higher surgical training in Paediatric Surgery in the United Kingdom.

He was the Vice Chairman of Pakistan Cultural Association Cambridge in 2011 for 3 years and conducted a number of cultural events for the Pakistani community during this time.

In 2019 he received the Highest Achievement Award of Nottinghamshire by the Shadow Minister of UK government in recognition of his work for the doctors and the community at large.


In 2018 he founded Nottinghamshire Doctors Family Association (NODFA) which expanded rapidly and became one of the most popular organisations.

He is actively involved in conducting educational seminars , social and sports activities for the junior as well as senior doctors. He also helped many doctors and guided them towards a successful career in the UK.

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, his whole team worked voluntarily to help & support the community and vulnerable people and it was appreciated by the local Government.

He also collaborated with the Federal Government of Pakistan in the teaching programmes for the doctors to keep them updated regarding the latest research and management guidelines that are available in Europe.

He raised the concerns of BAME doctors during the pandemic at the Government level in the UK as well as Pakistan.

Kashif is a man of principles with a great vision. It is rather difficult to match his enthusiasm and determination and people love him for his sincerity.

He is very keen to extend his work to help and support Pakistani doctors and communities all over European Union. He strongly believes that APPS Europe is the right platform to achieve this target.

Dr. Shaista Meraj


Dr. Shaista Meraj is a Consultant Radiologist in the United Kingdom. She specialises in breast cancer & women’s imaging and is Radiology Lead for Breast Services. Her other interests are Artificial intelligence (AI), digital transformation, service design & workforce management. Shaista supports diversity & inclusion at work and is a local BME forum representative.

She graduating with honours, from Punjab Medical College Faisalabad and completed her FY training at Allied hospital. She then moved to UK and completed her surgical training with MRCS in Manchester and later worked as a Trust grade registrar in cardiothoracic (CT) surgery. She had radiology training in West Midlands Radiology Training Scheme and became a Fellow of Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR). Shaista joined Bolton NHS Foundation Trust as a consultant in 2014. She does breast and gynae interventions and reports in general, trauma & emergency radiology. Shaista also works as a tele-radiologist.

She writes blogs highlighting breast radiology work. https://nationalbreastimagingacademy.org/news/blog-a-day-in-the-life-of-a-breast-radiologist/ she with her team provided uninterrupted service for breast cancer patients throughout the pandemic. https://www.boltonft.nhs.uk/2020/10/shaista-meraj-for-a-better-bolton/ and this was highly commended by the Trust. As radiology breast lead, she provides radiological input in managing the symptomatic service, updates guidelines & protocols for imaging and new equipment thus contributing to innovation, clinical governance, and risk management. She mentors advanced practitioner and mammography’s.

She has published CT surgery and radiology papers in peer reviewed journals. She is a working party member and shadow informatics stream lead in the UK Imaging & Oncology Congress. She works with Google Health/Deep Mind, providing UX feedback in breast screening. She is a professional member of the British Society of Breast Radiologists and Medical Defence Union of Scotland. She also is a member of the Radiological Society of Pakistan.

Shaista is an accredited educational supervisor, appraiser & mentor. She is an FRCR course examiner and regularly sits on interview & assessment panels in the Deanery.

Shaista participated in the Regional Enterprise Imaging Procurement Project for Greater Manchester to provide a high quality PACS solution. This is one of the largest region-wide imaging initiatives in Europe. The work included assessments and validations of the vendors through scoring exercises, supplier demonstrations and site visits.

Shaista is interested in exploring positive changes AI can bring to radiology and healthcare. She is the Principal Evaluator for an AI solution deployed at Bolton hospital. This was the first live AI deployment in the NHS and Shaista has done groundbreaking evaluation work paving the way for future AI deployments. Her work has been shared with NHSX and she regularly participated in NHS AI lab focus group discussions.

This AI deployment has won multiple awards including HTN Health Tech Leaders award in Oct 2020 and AIMed Best Covid-19 AI solution award and was a finalist for HSJ Acute Sector innovation of the year award. This work has also been published in MIT tech, Forbes review, the BBC, Wired UK.

Dr. Shaista has presented in various national and international AI and Digital HealthTech conferences. She is an invited speaker for AI lecture series at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and the School of Computing at Queen’s University, Canada.

Dr. Shaista has travelled through Africa, Europe, Middle East and USA and has a passion to volunteer. In Africa, she worked at an animal rehabilitation centre & game reserve which inhabited wild animals including big cats, elephants and rhinos.

Her work in Morocco was facilitating care of children in orphanages & special schools and arranging meals for homeless. For Palestine, she attends weekly videoconferencing breast multi-disciplinary meetings and supports breast cancer services in Gaza. She participated in the development of oncology curriculum and lectured at The School of Medicine, Islamic University of Gaza.

Her engagement with APPS UK is dating back to 2005 when she went to Pakistan with APPS UK Disaster and Humanitarian Relief teams to treat earthquake victims performing surgical procedures on trauma survivors. She regularly appears in video messages for TV channels raising awareness on COVID-19 and the vaccination.

Dr. Shaista likes sketching and photography and enjoys cooking. She regularly contributed to her medical college’s literary magazine.

Dr. Shaista endears the vision of APPS Europe and strongly believes in providing a structured platform to facilitate collaboration, networking, equity and innovation.

Dr. Syed Ali Raza


Dr. Syed Ali Raza is currently working as Consultant Medical Oncologist at MidYorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust. He has been involved in the teaching and training of doctors for the last 10 years running many successful projects benefiting thousands of Pakistani as well as foreign doctors across the globe.

He is founder of a number of medical educational groups on social media with more than three hundred thousand doctor members from different countries. He has delivered lectures on career counseling in many medical colleges. He introduced and set tend of foreign medical exams in Pakistan through his blogs.

He launched the first Royal College Exams preparation course (MY PACES) at Lahore and first medical educational app (MedCoffee.org) for post graduate doctors in Pakistan.

He has appeared on multiple occasions on national TV and web channels running campaigns for cancer patients.

He has experience of working with different nationalities across three subcontinents maintaining strong links in many countries. He has been on the examiners panel of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan.

He is currently working as Director Education and Training of APPS Europe and focusing on developing innovative techniques to educate general public and professionals. He is also responsible for online education and telemedicine programs with adviser on upgrading curriculum of Pakistani medical colleges at par with international standards. https://appsmiddleeast.org

Dr. Irfan Majeed Raja


Dr. Irfan Majeed Raja, a consultant doctor in family and community medicine at Dr. Barraquer specialist and primary care centre, Sant Adrian de Besos, Barcelona, Spain.

He is associate professor at faculty of medicine, Autonomous University of Barcelona and highly renowned medical and social figure in Hispanic Pakistani community.

He graduated from faculty of medicine and dentistry in October, 2003. He completed his specialist degree from Germans Trias I Pujol university hospital Badalona, Barcelona.

A research fellow at IDIAP Jordi Goll till September 2018 earned excellence in the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic syndrome with special interest in fatty liver.

His research work is related to quantification of fat in a fatty liver in non alcoholic patients received great admiration in primary care circles in Spain.

A dedicated doctor and a social worker he earned greatest respect in Pakistani as well as Asian communities throughout Spain. He has dedicated his life to serve humanity through education. He is the first Pakistani in Spain as a doctor and social worker who initiated the campaign to prepare Urdu speaking communities in Spain in fight against COVID-19.

He started his social and print & electronic media based awareness campaign to fight COVID in the end of January 2020, along with his medical practice as front line medical worker on ground he has provided solace to underprivileged of Pakistani and Asian communities and built bridges between Asian and other communities living in Spain. He motivated businessmen and all capable of society to come forward and stood by them to provide best of service to humanity.

His services for Pakistanis in Spain were recognised by the Consulate general and Embassy of Pakistan in Spain and was awarded with life time excellence and medal . For his out standing social services as a medical doctor he was honoured with Foreign Minister Honour award by Ministry of foreign affairs, Government of Pakistan.

Dr. Irfan Majeed Raja is closely associated with academic and socio political circles. He is founder of Izhaar- the expression, a literary association that works along with Family association and Peace for Peace association. He aims to prepare Pakistani and Asian community for an academic based integration. He is promoter of education and literature. Many of his students are now getting higher education at various spanish universities.

He is a writer and a poet and his work Dasht e Guman and Rozan have been published in recent years.

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